Thursday, November 1, 2007

Halloween 2007

Halloween 2007
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DeAnna said...

To cute, we certainly had fun. We love being with our little gouls and goblins and sharing in the excitement

DeAnna said...

To cute, we certainly had fun. We love being with our little gouls and goblins and sharing in the excitement

Missy said...

They were so cute! I wish I could've seen them in person.

Amber said...

The kids looked great! I wish we lived closer so we could do fun things together with the kids!

Wilcox Family said...

The kids and costumes look so good. I can't believe the trees in the neighborhood have gotten so BIG. Have we been gone that long? It looks like you had a great Halloween. Also, I didn't make the costumes. My mom did. She very good at it, so I don't even try.