Friday, June 27, 2008


So this is what I came down to this afternoon while upstairs. Not 1, not 2, but 3 sleeping kids. My house is so quiet. Morgan is the only one who is not asleep. She told me she is way to old for naps. I thought I would give it a try though. There is nothing better then a sleeping kid. I guess kids can sleep anywhere, seeing how Loryn is sleeping. Yes , I realize that wasn't very safe either. Maybe I shouldn't be doing laundry, ha ha.


Mikki said...

So cute. I love the positions kids manage to fall asleep in. I wonder how they can sleep like that?

Nicole said...

3 sleeping kids.... that's heaven! i'm happy when one's asleep and the other is quietly watching a movie... but 3 asleep!!! wow!

anna banana said...

That is amazing!

DeAnna said...

The best things in life are asleep, Ha Ha. What cute babies we have

Wilcox Family said...

I can't believe she is sleeping on the table like that. Amazing. My kids would never do that. Hope you enjoyed your time.

Nicole Cave said...

I have so many pictures like these lately...the sun just poops everyone out!!

Amber said...

Okay, what's your secret? What did you give them? HA, HA!!! Just Kidding. Bubba can sleep anywhere too. Once, I found him sleeping on the swing set!!