First day of school 2011 at our new school Somerset Academy.
Loryn started her 2nd year of preschool. She has a new teacher Mrs. Juliette and is so excited to go to school. So much so she has to be reminded very often to stop talking.
Mason started 2nd grade. He is opening up a little more and not so shy during class.He is most definantelyhis father's son.
Lacie has started 5th grade and is really enjoying her new school and making new friends. She really likes that she gets to move classrooms but makes for a back pack that is heavier then herself.
Morgan has started 6th grade and is offically a middle schooler. I am not sure where the time went with her. She is still my social butterfly and wants to be involved in everything at school. She is most excited for the spring fling dance :(
14 years ago
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