Well Lacie has finally lost a tooth. She has wanted to lose won ever since Morgan lost her first one. Today she kept asking me when her tooth would fall out, and all of you who know Lacie, you know how many times that was. Finally I told her to bring me a tissue and I would wiggle it and see. Instead I pulled it out. She wasn't sure if she should laugh or cry. Lacie was so excited to put her tooth in her tooth fairy doll. Of course she loses it right before family pictures!
14 years ago
Yea Lacie!!!! This is another BIG milestone for you. I Love you missing tooth grin. Love ya, G-ma
How fun! She was so excited to show me at church today.
Way to Go Lacie!!!! Alyssa is so jealous, she hasn't lost any yet. The best pictures are always the ones where the kids have missing teeth or self cut hair. I am speaking from experience!!!!
I actually fix my blog so people can leave comments again. I changed it and then forgot to fix it. Ryan just lost a tooth too and he was so excited. It is so hard to wait for the first tooth and then the toothfairy.
Luke was so excited when I showed him this post. He just loves Lacie. And she looks so adorable with a missing tooth!
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