What is his name: Marcus Glen Mohlman
How long have you been married: 10 1/2 years
How long did you date: 1 year
Who eats more: Marc usually,but I probably eat more sweets.
Who said I Love You first: Marc did,3 weeks into dating he told me, and that he was going to marry me.Pretty much freaked me out at that point in the relationship.
Who is taller:Marc by 11 inches
Whose temper is worse: Probably mine,but when Marc is mad you know it,because it rarely happens.
Who does the laundry: Me most of the time,I just wish I could get him to fold it more.
Who does the dishes: Again me most,but if their are dishes or bottles at night,he will do them.He does usually empty thr dishwasher for me.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed: Me,Marc likes his side.
Who pays the bills:Both of us,he pays the majority of them though.
Who mows the lawn:Marc
Who cooks dinner: Me, but I would much rather eat out.
Who drives when your together: Marc drives all the time,I am a backseat driver though.
Who is more stubborn: Me all the way
Who is the first to admit when wrong: Me
Whose parents do you see the most: Mine, I see my mom almost everyday.Lucky me
Who proposed: Marc,he totally tricked me though.He Gave me a promise ring that morning,so I woudn't know it was coming,it was 2/14. I went home sad,until later that evening he really did propose.
Who has more friends: Probably me,I hang out with mine more.The friends he has,he has had them for life.Marc is a pretty quite guy untill you get to know him,and then you are hooked.
Who has more siblings: Marc,he has 2 brothers and 1 sister.I only have one big sister
Who wears the pants in the relationship:Me,because I like things my way
I got this from my friends blog,now I challenge anybody who wants to,to di it to.
14 years ago
That's cute, I've seen it on a few blogs. I'm not commited enough to do it though.
that was fun! thanks for sharing :)
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