Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Night owl

Loryn has turned into our little night owl. She wants to stay up with Marc and I. Maybe that is her way to get one on one time. She is so funny because when we tell her it is time to go to bed, she will break into song. I think she knows it will buy her some extra time. She loves to sing and I love to listen to her. Loryn will always say mom sing, so I can join her. You just can't help but smile when you hear her sing.


Missy said...

That was so cute! Chloe had to watch! I could never post something like that, my voice is not nearly as pretty as yours!

Alisha said...

That was sincerely the cutest thing ever...it brought tears to my eyes. I can't believe how big she has gotten! Give her big ol' kisses for me!

theberkabiles said...

That is so stinkin cute!

The Foulgers said...

She is super smart. What a cutie, she has grown-up so much just since we've moved.

Nicole said...

ADORABLE! i had kadyn on my lap because she was all squirmy and fussy. as soon as loryn started singing, kadyn was as peaceful as can be. also, you sing really great. i SOOO can not sing- much less on camera. :)

DeAnna said...

What a cute baby we have. She reminds me of her mom when she was 2. Always a song on your lips. This baby is sooooooooooo cute and loveable!

Nicole said...

What a little cutie.