Well our first broken bone. Morgan is in a cast for the next 6 weeks, which really is going to be a pain. The bathing alone stinks. Monday when we put her to bed she decided she wasn't tired and stacked some boxes on top of eachother to reach the light, and started to climb them. She fell off landing on her wrist. Maybe now when it is bed time she will actually go to sleep, ha ha. We are supposed to be at the beach in California, but I am not sure now. How do you keep a 8 year old out of the water and sand out of the cast. This is going to be a very long 6 weeks!
14 years ago
I was so sad to hear about this! What a bummer! I hope it heals quickly, and that you can still go on your beach trip!:)
Oh man!! So sorry to hear it. Hope you can still take your trip!
Ok all I have to say is Mason is halarious sitting there all cheesey and in his underware!!
Aw, poor Morgan!! Our family has had a broken collar bone and 4 chin stitches (Bubba) and 3 lip stitches (Alyssa). I am surprised that it took this long for your family of 4 kids!!! Hope it heals fast for your vacation. A wire hanger is good to use to get those "pesty itchies" under the cast.
Mason is too cute with his under roos! What a ham!
That totally sounds like something Morgan would do! Poor thing though... how has bed time gone so far? :)
oh goodness! been there :) i feel so badly for her, especially when there's just a little summer and swimming left. i say you ditch the beach trip (i would hate to be the one who has to sit out and watch all the fun around me) and do something else equally as fun where she's not limited,(disneyland? sea world?) it'll put a fun twist on a bad situation.
Oh goodness! Matt was telling me about her breaking her arm. Hope the 6 weeks go by fast!
That's too bad, hope you heal up nice Morgan!
That would be really hard to keep her out of the sand. How sad? I broke my arm at the same age on Christmas Eve. It was no fun. I hope you guys got to go to California.
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